Health check for your home

The 92 ways to keep your Home Healthy & Safe

This month we had a little fun and looked for ways to keep our home healthy. We certainly don't know if we can achieve all of them but at least tick a few.

What about you, how many can you tick within a calendar year?

Maintaining a healthy home environment is essential for the well-being of you and your family. A healthy home reduces the risk of illnesses, promotes better mental and physical health, and creates a comfortable and safe living space. From cleaning routines and pest control to ensuring proper ventilation and using eco-friendly products, there are numerous ways to keep your home healthy. This guide offers 92 practical tips, each with a concise explanation of its importance and actionable steps, to help you create and maintain a healthier home.

  1. Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning can reduce allergens, dust, and germs, creating a healthier environment. Establish a cleaning schedule and tackle different areas of your home systematically so you don't miss a bit!


  1. Vacuum Often

Vacuuming removes dust, dirt, and pet hair that can contribute to allergies. The best way is to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter and vacuum carpets and rugs at least once a week.


  1. Dust Surfaces

Dust can harbor allergens and irritants that affect indoor air quality. Use a microfiber cloth to dust surfaces regularly, focusing on high-traffic areas and make sure to wash them once used.


  1. Wash Bedding Weekly

Washing bedding removes dust mites, sweat, and skin cells, promoting better sleep hygiene, as we use our bed daily, this is where you spend most time at home. Hot water and a gentle detergent to launder sheets, pillowcases, and blankets weekly will be your best friends.


  1. Use Natural Cleaning Products

We think we got this one ticked at Orana Essential ^^ but natural products reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and are safer for your health and the environment. Opt for cleaners made from essential oils and purchase eco-friendly brands.


  1. Open Windows

While we do it often when it is warm outside, it is also beneficial to do it during cold weather. Ventilation reduces indoor air pollution and allows fresh air to circulate. Open windows for at least 10-15 minutes daily, especially when cooking or cleaning.


  1. Use Air Purifiers

We also got this one sorted at Orana Essential ^^ our air purifiers remove airborne particles and improve air quality. Place them in frequently used rooms for best results.


  1. Change HVAC Filters

Clean filters improve air circulation and reduce allergens in your home. So replacing HVAC filters every 1-3 months will help (depending on usage and manufacturer's recommendations).


  1. Keep Houseplants alive & well

Certain houseplants can improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Choose plants like spider plants, peace lilies, and snake plants, and care for them according to their needs.


  1. Control Humidity

Proper humidity levels prevent mold growth and reduce dust mites in your home.

You could use dehumidifiers in damp areas and aim to keep indoor humidity between 30-50%.


  1. Fix Leaks

Nobody likes busted or leaking pipes. Fixing leaks prevents mold growth and structural damage. Regularly check for leaks in plumbing and roofs, and repair any issues promptly.


  1. Use a Doormat

It is a simple thing but door mats reduce the amount of dirt and allergens brought into the home. Place a door mat at each entrance that leads inside/outside and clean it regularly.


  1. Remove Shoes Indoors

This is a big no-no. Removing shoes prevents dirt, chemicals, and allergens from spreading inside your home. Establish a no-shoes policy and provide a shoe rack or storage area near entrances, you could also buy a pair of sleepers!


  1. Clean Pet Areas

Regular cleaning reduces pet dander and odors, promoting a healthier home environment. Clean & Vacuum pet bedding, litter boxes, and feeding areas frequently, and groom pets regularly.


  1. Wash Hands Often

Take the subway to commute? Hand washing reduces the spread of germs and illnesses. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, when you come home and especially after using the bathroom or handling food.


  1. Clean Kitchen Sponges

Kitchen sponges can harbor bacteria and mold, leading to cross-contamination because of the dampness and because it is used to clean dirty dishes. Microwave damp sponges for 1-2 minutes for example, change them regularly.


  1. Sanitize Cutting Boards

Sanitizing cutting boards prevents cross-contamination of bacteria between foods, especially after cutting meat or fish. Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and other foods, wash them in the dishwasher. An easy tip we learned, pour boiling water on a board you used for raw meat. It will cook the leftover meat stuck on the board for easy cleaning!


  1. Clean the Refrigerator

Regular cleaning prevents mold and bacteria growth, ensuring food safety. Empty and wipe down shelves and drawers monthly, and discard expired or spoiled food. Only buy what you eat!


  1. Use Non-Toxic Pest Control

Non-toxic methods reduce exposure to harmful chemicals while effectively managing pests. Use natural repellents, traps, and preventive measures like sealing cracks and proper food storage.


  1. Keep Food Sealed

Properly sealed food prevents pest infestations and contamination. Store food like biscuits in airtight containers and keep pantry items organized.

  1. Wash Produce

A good habit is to wash produce to remove pesticides, dirt, and bacteria. Rinse fruits and vegetables under running water and use a produce brush for items with thick skins.

  1. Use Natural Air Fresheners

Natural air fresheners avoid synthetic fragrances that can cause respiratory issues. We know a bunch but use our essential oils blend, simmer spices, or keep bowls of vinegar or baking soda to absorb odors.

  1. Clean Light Switches and Doorknobs

you would be surprised but these high-touch surfaces can harbor germs and bacteria. Wipe down light switches, doorknobs, and handles regularly with disinfectant wipes.

  1. Clean Bathroom Regularly

Regular cleaning prevents mold and bacteria buildup in damp environments. Scrub toilets, sinks, and showers with appropriate cleaners and natural disinfectant weekly. But also, if you have an air suction system, be sure to use it while showering. It will remove humidity.

  1. Use a Shower Curtain Liner

A washable or replaceable liner prevents mold and mildew buildup. Choose a liner that can be machine washed or easily replaced, and clean it regularly. Once done with your shower, make sure to keep it extended so it has a chance to dry too.

  1. Clean Drains

Regular drain cleaning prevents clogs and reduces mold and bacteria growth, also avoids having any bad smells in your home. A drain snake is a good solution if clogged.

  1. Use a Water Filter

Water filters remove contaminants, providing safer drinking water for everyone in your home. The easiest way is to install a filter on your faucet or use a pitcher with a built-in filter, and replace filters as recommended.

  1. Avoid Smoking Indoors

Another big no-no. Indoor smoking significantly increases indoor air pollution and health risks. Smokers out! Establish a no-smoking rule inside your home and create a designated outdoor smoking area.

  1. Use Eco-Friendly Paints

This is not very well known but most paints have extremely toxic chemicals. Eco-friendly paints emit fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), improving indoor air quality. Choose paints labeled low-VOC or zero-VOC for interior painting projects.

  1. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Detectors provide an early warning of dangerous carbon monoxide levels. Place detectors near bedrooms and on each level of your home, and test them regularly to ensure they work.

  1. Check for Radon

This would be specifically for older homes. Radon is a harmful gas that can cause lung cancer with prolonged exposure. If you purchased an old house or live in an old house, purchase a radon test kit and follow the instructions to test your home’s air.

  1. Clean HVAC Vents

Clean vents improve air circulation and reduce allergens. Best to remove vent covers and clean them with a vacuum or damp cloth regularly.

  1. Use Hypoallergenic Bedding

It is found that hypoallergenic bedding reduces exposure to allergens like dust mites. There are plenty of choices online for bedding made from materials like cotton or microfiber and wash it frequently.

  1. Avoid Synthetic Fragrances

Synthetic fragrances can cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Use natural alternatives like essential oils or fragrance-free products. I think we tick both marks here!!

  1. Use Glass or Stainless Steel Containers

Do you own a plastic container that has turned red? We all have one, don't we? These materials avoid harmful chemicals that can leach from plastic. Store food and beverages in glass or stainless steel containers instead of plastic + easier to recycle.

  1. Compost Organic Waste

This is one of the major issues large cities face, although composting reduces household waste and provides nutrient-rich soil for plants. If you have the space, set up a compost bin in your yard or use a kitchen compost container.

  1. Recycle

As simple as it seems, recycling reduces landfill waste and conserves resources.

Simply separate recyclable materials and follow your local recycling guidelines. It is always good to wash or rinse before discarding anything.

  1. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

These appliances reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills to help your wallet. Look for appliances with the Energy Star label when replacing old ones, especially your fridge, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, etc.

  1. Limit Electronic Use Before Bed

It is well known, reducing screen time before bed improves sleep quality. Establish a digital curfew and engage in relaxing activities like reading before bed, you will surely sleep like a baby.

  1. Use Blackout Curtains

You could also use blackout curtains to block light and promote better sleep. Easy install in bedrooms to create a dark sleeping environment.

  1. Keep Emergency Kits

It doesn't have to be extremely big and also depending how remote you live but Emergency kits ensure you are prepared for natural disasters and power outages. Include items like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit.

  1. Test Smoke Alarms

If you live in an apartment, these should be checked regularly as it is scheduled by the building management. They are essential as functional smoke alarms provide early warning of fires. Test alarms monthly and replace batteries annually or as needed, there should be a clear light on them to advise when is best to change the battery.

  1. Install Safety Gates for Children

If you have young kids, safety gates prevent children from accessing dangerous areas. Install gates at the top and bottom of stairs and in front of hazardous areas like the kitchen.

  1. Use Non-Slip Mats

Non-slip mats prevent falls in wet areas like bathrooms. Plenty of good looking option online, place non-slip mats in bathtubs, showers, and on bathroom floors.

  1. Childproof Electrical Outlets

Another one for the Parents, childproofing outlets prevents electrical shocks and injuries. Use outlet covers or tamper-resistant outlets in areas accessible to children.

  1. Store Chemicals Safely

Proper storage prevents accidental poisoning and chemical exposure. You don't want to mistakenly drink the wrong bottle... Keep cleaning supplies and chemicals in locked cabinets or out of reach of children and pets.

  1. Secure Heavy Furniture

This wall hook from the IKEA building kit that sits in your tool box? Securing furniture prevents tipping accidents, especially with children. Use brackets or straps to anchor heavy furniture to the wall - yes this one!

  1. Clean Toys Regularly

Cleaning toys reduces germs and bacteria that children may come into contact with, especially when they start going to kindergarten or childcare. Wash plastic toys with soap and water, and clean fabric toys in the washing machine.

  1. Use Organic Bedding for Infants

Having organic bedding will reduce exposure to chemicals and allergens for babies. Choose bedding made from organic cotton or other natural materials, don't buy a brand that don't list their components, it is probably a bad quality warning!

  1. Keep a First Aid Kit

-A well-stocked first aid kit helps treat minor injuries quickly, cuts, burns, etc. So be sure to include items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers, and keep the kit easily accessible and up to date!

  1. Use Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats help maintain a comfortable temperature and save energy. Set the thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your schedule, don't let the AC on all day if you are not at home! Your wallet will also thank you.

  1. Insulate Your Home

Probably more for the homeowner or home builders but proper insulation improves energy efficiency and comfort. Insulate walls, attics, and crawl spaces to reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. A good way to know if your roof is well insulated. For example, on snowy days, if the ice melts on the roof, it probably means your house is not well insulated and a lot of energy escapes from your home!

  1. Check for Lead Paint

Chemical alert!! Lead paint can cause serious health issues, especially in children. If your home was built before 1978, test for lead paint and seek professional removal if found.

  1. Wash Hands After Handling Pets

Are you a pet lover? Hand washing reduces the spread of germs and pet-related allergens so be sure to wash hands with soap and water after playing with or cleaning up after pets.

  1. Keep a Clean Yard

While this will be visually pleasing, a tidy yard reduces pests and allergens that can affect indoor air quality. Don't let the jungle take over your backyard, regularly mow the lawn, remove debris, and clean up pet waste.

  1. Use Safe Pest Control Methods

Safe methods reduce exposure to toxic chemicals while managing pests. Use natural repellents, traps, and preventive measures like sealing entry points.

  1. Test for Asbestos

Chemical Red flag!! Asbestos can cause serious lung diseases if disturbed and inhaled. If your home was built before 1980, hire a professional to test for and remove asbestos.

  1. Clean Fireplace and Chimney

Do you own a home with a fireplace? Regular cleaning prevents chimney fires and improves air quality because of all the particles. Hire a professional chimney sweep annually and clean the fireplace regularly, removing ashes.

  1. Install Handrails

Handrails provide support and prevent falls on stairs. If you don't have any yet, install handrails on both sides of staircases and ensure they are securely fastened.

  1. Keep Medicines and Vitamins Out of Reach

Proper storage prevents accidental ingestion by children and pets. Store medications and vitamins in high cabinets or locked boxes.

  1. Use Nightlights

Do you need to head to the bathroom at night? Nightlights prevent falls by providing illumination in the dark. Place them in hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms or the places you wander at night (pantry?).

  1. Clean Windows Regularly

Clean windows improve natural light and reduce allergens like dust and pollen that deposit on them. Wipe windows with a glass cleaner and cloth at least once a month. If you can, do the outside glass too!

  1. Ensure Good Ventilation in Bathrooms

This is a common issue that everyone faces but proper ventilation prevents mold growth and reduces humidity. Use exhaust fans during and after showers, and keep bathroom doors open to allow air circulation when not in use

  1. Use BPA-Free Products

BPA-free (do not contain any traces of Bisphenol-A) products reduce exposure to harmful chemicals linked to health issues. Choose BPA-free plastics or use glass and stainless steel containers.

  1. Practice Good Hygiene

Yes, good hygiene reduces the spread of germs and illnesses. Cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently, and use hand sanitizer when necessary.

  1. Limit Use of Harsh Chemicals

Reducing harsh chemicals lowers health risks and environmental impact. If you are a Bleach lover, know that many other solutions exist that are natural & as efficient. Use our natural cleaning spray and avoid unnecessary pesticide use.

  1. Fix Cracks and Holes

Sealing cracks and holes prevents pests and drafts, but also improves energy efficiency. Caulk or weatherstripping will do the job to seal gaps around windows, doors, and other openings, don't wait until it is too late!

  1. Use a Mattress Protector

Mattress protectors reduce allergens and extend the life of your mattress, if you live in a hot region, you would be surprised how much you sweat at night! Choose a waterproof, hypoallergenic protector and wash it regularly.

  1. Clean Blinds and Curtains

When was the last time you washed the curtains? Regular cleaning reduces dust and allergens that accumulate on window treatments. Vacuum blinds and wash curtains according to the manufacturer's instructions or every few months.

  1. Sanitize Remote Controls and Electronics

Did you know a keyboard is one of the dirtiest things in your home? High-touch electronics can harbor germs and bacteria. Be sure to wipe down remote controls, keyboards, and phones with disinfectant wipes regularly.

  1. Keep Gutters Clean

Clean gutters prevent water damage and reduce pest infestations. Remove leaves and debris from gutters at least twice a year, especially in spring and fall.

  1. Check for Pest Infestations Regularly

Early detection and management prevent larger infestations and damage. Inspect your home for signs of pests and address any issues promptly. Nobody wants a colony of ants in their home or animals creating their nest under the house!

  1. Clean Carpets Professionally

While vacuuming your carpet is good, professional cleaning removes deep-seated dirt, allergens, and stains, especially if you have pets at home. Schedule professional carpet cleaning at least once a year or more frequently if needed.

  1. Use Safe Paint Strippers

Safe paint strippers reduce exposure to harmful chemicals. Choose products labeled as non-toxic or use natural alternatives like citrus-based strippers.

  1. Avoid Overcrowding Electrical Outlets

Overloading outlets can cause serious electrical fires. Use power strips with surge protection and avoid plugging too many devices into a single outlet.

  1. Use Motion Sensor Lights Outdoors

Ever came home trying to find your way in darkness? Motion sensor lights improve security and save energy by activating only when needed. Some pretty cheap solutions online, install motion sensor lights near entrances, walkways, and dark areas around your home.

  1. Keep a Fire Extinguisher

Not many do but a fire extinguisher provides a first line of defense against small fires. You can find some tiny ones, place extinguishers in key areas like the kitchen and garage, and check them regularly.

  1. Check Plumbing Regularly

Regular plumbing checks prevent leaks and water damage. Inspect pipes, faucets, and water heaters for leaks or signs of wear, often and repair as needed. You can also check your water bill to see if there is an unexpected high monthly charge.

  1. Clean Air Ducts

Clean air ducts improve air quality and HVAC efficiency. The best is to hire a professional to clean your air ducts every 3-5 years or as needed.

  1. Use Natural Fabrics

Natural fabrics reduce exposure to chemicals found in synthetic materials. Choose clothing, bedding, and upholstery made from cotton, wool, or linen, check these components!

  1. Clean Ceiling Fans

Clean fans reduce dust circulation and improve air quality. As it rotates, it will spread in the air whatever sits on it.. Wipe fan blades with a damp cloth regularly, especially before using them.

  1. Check for Termite Damage

Do you live in a house? Early detection of termite damage prevents structural issues and costly repairs. Inspect wooden structures for signs of termites and seek professional help if needed even though most wood is now treated for termites.

  1. Use Solar Panels

Not only your wallet will thank you but solar panels provide sustainable energy.

As a first step you could consult with a professional to assess your home's suitability and install solar panels. You will be able to understand your electric needs and the size of panels required to power your home.

  1. Regularly Maintain Appliances

Proper maintenance extends the life and efficiency of appliances. Follow the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines and schedule regular servicing/cleaning.

  1. Clean Lint Traps in Dryers

Cleaning lint traps prevents fire hazards and improves dryer efficiency as the filter will have more air going in. If not cleaned, your dryer can eventually fail. Remove lint from the trap after each use and periodically clean the exhaust vent.

  1. Use Rugs with Non-Slip Backing

I don't think you want to learn how to do the split the hard way. Non-slip rugs prevent falls and accidents on slippery floors. So we recommend choosing rugs with non-slip backing or using rug pads to keep them in place.

  1. Check Home for Structural Damage

If you live in a house, regular checks ensure the safety and stability of your home. Inspect the foundation, walls, and roof for cracks or signs of wear, and repair as needed.

  1. Install a Home Security System

Security systems deter burglars and provide peace of mind when on vacation or away for a few days. Choose a system with features like alarms, cameras, and monitoring services, whichever is convenient for you and your wallet.

  1. Check Attic for Insulation and Ventilation

Proper insulation and ventilation improve energy efficiency and prevent mold. Ensure your attic has adequate insulation and ventilation, and add more if needed.

  1. Clean Outdoor Furniture

Want to enjoy your outdoor area? Clean furniture reduces outdoor allergens and improves durability. Wipe down or hose off outdoor furniture regularly or at least before summer and after the rain. Before use is also a good step.

  1. Check for Gas Leaks

Detecting gas leaks early prevents dangerous situations and health risks. You also don't want to blow your home. Install a gas leak detector and have your gas lines inspected regularly if you use gas at home.

  1. Keep a Clean Garage

Do you find yourself just storing things in the garage because it is convenient? A clean garage reduces pest infestations and improves safety. Organize your tools, dispose of hazardous materials properly, and clean regularly.


By implementing most of these 92 tips, you can significantly improve the health and safety of your home environment. Each small step contributes to a cleaner, safer, and more comfortable living space for you and your family.

Remember, a healthy home is a continuous effort, and regular maintenance and mindful choices will help sustain this positive environment. Embrace these practices and enjoy the lasting benefits of a healthier, happier home.

Love from Orana Essential <3

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