Why using Orana Essential?

Do you have nasty odors or smells in your home?

Have you been suffering from respiratory issues recently?
Have you had unexplained illnesses and you are unsure when it comes from?
Do you have enclosed space that needs to be freshen up?

What is the best way to use your products?

It is recommended to use the Gel in addition to the Multi-purpose spray, so that it works on both, surfaces and in the air!

 Are your products safe to use around Pets and Kids?

Yes entirely, our products are all natural and no harsh chemicals are used during the preparation process. Although it is generally considered to be safe for use around children and pets, we don't recommend to directly spray on them!

Do you offer other scents?

Orana essential has been created with a very specific formula for exceptional results. Unfortunately, adding a scent to our blend will alter the product and may change the characteristics of our products.

How does the Gel work?

Orana Essential’s Aerosperse technology uses evaporation and contact time to quickly reduce the indoor airborne microorganisms.

It will evaporate into the air space and over time come into contact with air borne microorganisms. Upon contact, it will eliminate these organisms caused by mildew through interfering with its breathing process and its reproductive process.

How long does it last?

This varies depending on ambient conditions, but generally each gel covers 600-800 square feet for 6-8 weeks.

Examples of conditions that can increase the dissipation rate:

  • Positioned near or directly under a fan or other intense air flow (an open window for example)
  • Heavily polluted air (cigarette or smoke, intense smell of animals, dirty AC filter, etc.)

Where can I buy your products?

We currently sell our products on our website here.

Can I return or exchange my product?

We do not offer exchanges at the moment, if you wish to return your product, please see our Return policy here.

There was an issue with my order during transit, what can I do?

If you have received your products damaged or it is incorrect, please contact us directly through our Contact us form and we will be delighted to assist you.

How quick would my products arrive?

Processing your order would take 24-48 hours and standard shipping would take 1 to 5 business days. Find out more here.